🤿 Design Deep Dive
Learn about how Eth-hooks was built and why.
If you prefer videos, check out Shravan's video presentation on Eth-hooks V4 advanced features!
Design principles
- Allow flexibility in how often a hook receives updates from the network. You can choose your update method, for example, polling or every block number.
- Easily use context
- ethersAppContext
- contractAppContext (new in V4): Access your contract easily anywhere in your app.
- Compatibility with different ways to pass in ethers provider
- Reducing RPC calls with easy caching. Uses React Query under the hood to cache any RPC calls. This lets you use Eth-hooks anywhere in the app and you don't have to worry about optimization. You will automatically get data from the cached layer without extra network calls.
- Typed contracts that make it easier to understand the contract interface, reducing mistakes.
- EthersAppContext: The context in Eth-hooks uses ethers under-the-hood. Wrap your main app in context and that allows you to use context anywhere in your app (the provider, signer, account).
- App wide providers with context
- Override
- Alternate context for web3-react
- Pass in provider if you need
Get an example of providers in Scaffold-eth-typescript App.tsx
Built with React-Query and EthersAppContext. Get a cache when you wrap your app in context.
- All hook results are cached by EthersAppContext
- Prevents repeated calls to the network because the hooks hit the cache first.
- No need to pass variables. If you use a hook anywhere in the app it will automatically hit the cache.
- When the network or signer changes the cache is automatically invalidated so you don't get the wrong values.
Data updates
There are several different options for updating hook data. Simply pass in your preferred method.
- Default is the hook updates every block
- You can set it to update every n/blocks
- Polling can be used (minimum time is 10 seconds to prevent spamming the network)
- Refresh on window focus or on mount
- Set stale time for data. Default is 30 seconds
Hook return
The signature of the hook is returned.
- This is similar to useState. You get a tuple of [result, update]
- Gives you the result or...
- You can manually update the hook
Contract context
You can call any contract with a simple hook.
- Automatically get external contracts that are verified
- Automatically typed by context
- Hardhat contracts
- Automatically typed by context
- Load unverified contracts from an ABI
- BaseContract